Christian Counseling in Fort Worth, TX at Dunn Counseling and Consulting

Christian counseling integrates Biblical principles with evidence-based therapeutic practices in order for clients to move toward healing and growth. By encouraging clients to draw upon their spiritual beliefs, Christian counseling aims to promote holistic well-being and foster a deeper connection with God, leading to transformative change and renewed hope.

Key Principles of Christian Counseling

1. Foundation: Believing all people are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27) and that God has a plan for the lives of His children (Ps 138:8; Jer 29:11). God has placed onto humanity a life with meaning and purpose, which includes being loved by God, loving God, and loving others. (1 John 4; Rom 5:5;) From a foundation of God’s love and purpose, a clinician can foster an experience for clients that leads to hope, healing, and growth.

2. Clinical assessment and Confrontation: Clinicians are trained to administer psychosocial evaluations of individuals in therapy. This includes using interviews, assessment tools/tests and questionnaires to identify clients' concerns or problem areas that need to be addressed during treatment. In this process, a clinician may identify emotional, spiritual, psychological, and/or physiological issues to confront during the therapeutic relationship and treatment plan timeframe. 

3. Change: The goal is to provide an environment and therapeutic process that leads to awareness, growth, healing, and maturity for individuals engaging in counseling therapy. Ultimately, we are not just seeking freedom from our hurts and proclivities but longing to know and fulfill our intended God-given design. So, not just “freedom from” but “freedom towards” one's God-given design. 

4. Help from the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the holy trinity. In therapy, we utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to help us help others. He is given to us as an advocate and counselor. The Holy Spirit reveals the truth, offers discernment and peace, provides healing and strength, and helps move us toward holiness and maturity.  (Jn 14:26-27; ACTS 13:52; ROM 8:26-27; Jn 20:22; GAL 4:6; EPH 2:18; Matt 28:18-20; 1 PETER 1:2; 2 COR 5:5; 2 COR 1:22; JN 15:26,16:7)